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The U.S. has a top-notch health care system with millions of medical professionals that take the well-being of their patients seriously. Even so, medical negligence is a real danger that could affect your life of the life of someone you love. Every year millions of Americans are injured or killed because of a surgical error, misdiagnosis or treatment mistake
A recent ProPublica investigation found that 225,000 deaths in the U.S. each year are caused by medical malpractice. Most medical negligence claims fall into the following categories:
Wrong Diagnosis- A physician, surgeon or other medical professional can be liable if they failed to diagnose your condition and you suffered additional harm as a result.
Failing to warn of risk- Patients need to be aware of the risks associated with medication, surgery or treatment. They need that information so that they can decide if the risks are too high and they want to opt out of a procedure of look for different medications.
Improper treatment- Sometimes physicians don’t provide the treatment that would be normal considering the patient’s condition.
Surgical errors- Surgical errors are common and can include leaving an instrument, gauze or surgical sponge in a patient, operating on the wrong organ or body part.
Your malpractice claim won’t succeed if you don’t understand New York’s medical malpractice laws. There are several steps you must take before your case can proceed, time limits and caps on the amount of compensation you can be awarded. Set up a consultation, so they can determine if your medical negligence claim is valid and what steps you should take next. Medical malpractice claims have a high failure rate, so you need to make sure a legal expert is helping you with your claim.
New York Rule 3012 requires plaintiffs in medical malpractice claims must file a certificate of merit that confirms a medical expert has reviewed your case and they are knowledgeable about your injuries. A medical expert must also find that there is a “reasonable basis” for the lawsuit.
The medical malpractice lawyers at can help you meet pre-litigation requirements and begin building your claim so that you can meet the state’s stringent medical malpractice laws. Call and set up a consultation with one a lawyer near your New York location. They will explain the various statutes of limitations that apply to medical malpractice claims and start working on your case.
If you suspect you are the victim of medical negligence, you need immediate care at a hospital or see your personal physician.
Below is a list of hospitals in New York:
Bellevue Hospital Center
462 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Huntington Hospital
270 Park Ave, Huntington, NY 11743
New York-Presbyterian/Lawrence Hospital
55 Palmer Ave, Bronxville, NY 10708
Greater New York Hospital Association
555 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019
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