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We all make mistakes and healthcare professionals such as doctors and surgeons are no different either. There is no doubt that they are trained, qualified, and are under the Hippocratic Oath, but that does not make them immune to making errors.
However, when healthcare providers make mistakes it can be very consequential to the lives of their patients. And sometimes they are just downright negligent.
When a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or any other professional healthcare provider is negligent by their actions or inactions then this is considered medical malpractice and the liable parties may be sued through a civil lawsuit in order to recover the economic and non-economic damages.
So many people believe this cannot happen to them until it does. Then they panic or do not know what to do since they are now a statistic (though everyone is a statistic no matter the outcome). What you need to do is use this site of to find yourself the legal assistance you need. This is now a legal matter. Screaming at the medical staff is foolhardy and pointless; you may need one of them on your side in a few months as well.
Our site has a series of legal counselors that you can choose from after you do about 30 seconds of work. Type in your location and so on and you see your salvation appear before your eyes. The first meeting is free. They are only paid if you are paid. If your case is viable, you are in the right place but you have not hit the jackpot yet. Your legal professional has been around the block before and knows there is some tough sledding ahead.
Listen to him or her and help them along the way.
The judicial system in Idaho requires that a judge who is in charge of medical malpractice cases considers what is known as the standard of care while determining or deciding whether or not medical malpractice actually transpired in the case as alleged.
The standard of care or the accepted standard of care is a well-defined set of steps or actions that any reasonable doctor in the same situation would have taken in order to diagnose and treat the patient for their medical condition.
When there is no predefined standard of care for a particular medical condition or situation (which is possible), then a medical expert may be summoned to provide or define the standard of care. When the actual standard of care provided is found to be below the accepted standard of care, medical malpractice is said to have occurred.
If, however, the steps and treatment provided by the doctor is in line with or actually better than the accepted standard of care then it is not considered medical malpractice.
If medical malpractice is deemed to have taken place, the plaintiff can claim three types of damages, namely economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages. Let us take a look at what these are what they mean.
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